I sold two paintings today! They were both 12″ x 36″ rock paintings done from photos taken along the Elbow River in the Elbow Falls area. I was given a challenge of posting photos of 5 paintings in 5 days on Facebook and the buyers saw my posting and contacted me. The two were favourites of mine so it was a bit hard to see them go but they had just been sitting in my closet and will now go to a new home where they will get to be on display. That sure beats a life in a closet.
rocks in water
Last painting for the sale on Saturday, October 26th, 2019

Another ‘rocks in water’ painting; this one is from Lake Windermere – Thanks Maggie.
I painted this from a photo taken on a walk from my good friends Maggie and Dave’s cabin. They have such a beautiful place and they can walk from their cabin to the shore where this picture was taken. I love the reflections of the sky in the water and also the little rocks that show under the surface.